新救助法案 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 一元健保及餐飲業救助金今天開始申請
您知道嗎?根據拜登新政American Rescue Plan Act,您可能符合“比白金計劃還要好的”銀94健康保險計劃,只需要每月$1! 2021年Covered California全年開放可加入或更換計劃!
- 什麼是銀94計劃?銀94計劃是加州全保中自己承擔額最低的保險計劃,看家庭醫生只需要付$5, 看專科醫生只需要付$8。年度醫療賬單自己最高付個人$1,000/家庭$2,000。對比最高級別白金計劃中的個人$4,500/家庭$9000。
- 怎麼樣才能獲得$1的銀94計劃?如果您家庭中有成員2021年領過至少1週的失業金(Unemployment Insurance Benefits),並且符合申請covered California資格,就可以獲得。
- 什麼時候可以申請$1的銀94計劃? 加州全保預計將在今年7月實施。
- 現有的Covered California 用戶如果沒有選擇銀計劃,可以改變計劃到銀94計劃嗎?可以的,如果現在已經在Covered California但是沒有選擇銀計劃,可以選擇更換到銀計劃,當月改變,下月1號生效
- 沒有領過失業金的用戶,ARP實施後會有變化嗎?有的,加州全保增加了所有用戶的補助額度,系統將會自動逐步生效,預計在8月完成。如果您還沒看到提升的補助額度,或是系統為您自動更新晚了,在您明年報稅時可以領回。
- ARP還有其他對我的健康保險有影響的措施嗎?另外還有COBRA保險的變化。如果員工被雇主lay off,可加入雇主提供的COBRA, 政府將全額負擔職員半年COBRA的費用(從2021年4月1日至2021年9月30日)。
$1 Silver 94 Plan
- What is a silver 94 plan? The Silver 94 offers the lowest out-of-pocket costs for medical services. For example, office visits are a flat fee of $5 or $8 for a specialist. The most you would pay in a year if the worst happened with the Silver 94 plan is $1,000 for an individual or $2,000 for a family, compared to $4,500/$9000 under the Platinum “top-of-the-line” Plan.
- How to enroll a $1 silver 94 plan? Households who received Unemployment Insurance Income(any week in 2021) mean $1/month for ALL Income levels.
- When will $1 silver 94 plan be effective? Covered California plan to implement in July.
- Can current Covered California consumers change plan to silver 94 plan? Yes, current consumers not enrolled into Silver will have to make an active selection to choose a Silver plan. It will be effective the first of the following month.
- Are there any changes for consumers who do not claim Unemployment Insurance Benefits?Yes, Covered California increase subsidies for all income level consumers. Increased subsidies will be applied automatically – likely in August – lowering premiums prospectively and resulting in large potential Tax Credit paid to these consumers on tax reconciliation.
- Is there any other changes affect my health insurance? In addition,The American Rescue Plan covers 100 percent of premiums for COBRA from April 1 to Sept. 30, 2021. The COBRA subsidy is only available to individuals who have been (or become) involuntarily terminated or have had their hours reduced.
Restaurant Revitalization Fund
The American Rescue Plan Act established the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) to provide funding to help restaurants and other eligible businesses keep their doors open. This program will provide restaurants with funding equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss up to $10 million per business and no more than $5 million per physical location. Recipients are not required to repay the funding as long as funds are used for eligible uses no later than March 11, 2023.
Who can apply
Eligible entities who have experienced pandemic-related revenue loss include:
- Restaurants
- Food stands, food trucks, food carts
- Caterers
- Bars, saloons, lounges, taverns
- Snack and nonalcoholic beverage bars
- Bakeries (onsite sales to the public comprise at least 33% of gross receipts)
- Brewpubs, tasting rooms, taprooms (onsite sales to the public comprise at least 33% of gross receipts)
- Breweries and/or microbreweries (onsite sales to the public comprise at least 33% of gross receipts)
- Wineries and distilleries (onsite sales to the public comprise at least 33% of gross receipts)
- Inns (onsite sales of food and beverage to the public comprise at least 33% of gross receipts)
- Licensed facilities or premises of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products